With Theatre Day approaching and all the theatre community and fans in anticipation of Golden Stage Cross award ceremony (29th of March) it is worth talking about this theatre season. Theatre scholar Rasa Vasinauskaitė has been a member of the Golden Stage Cross commission for many years. This year's selection of winners is no exception. Therefore, it is worthwhile and valuable to ask and listen to her answers.
Stating that today is "full of pessimistic plays about suicide, violence, abuse and evil... Big, medium or small evil is everywhere," director Gytis Padegimas chose the genre of comedy and presented his latest production Stone in his pockets (based on the Irish playwright Marie Jones' play of the same name) at the Kaunas Chamber Theatre in February. The production focuses on the Irish comedy school and traditions.
Head of Art History and Theory department at the Lithuanian Academy of Music, Assoc. Dr. Ramunė Balevičiūtė, "It seems to me that the tradition of author's directing is declining in our theatre; it does not know how and where from it could regenerate. I really hope that among all the young people who are currently studying directing at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, a few will become prominent author's theatre creators, but at the same time I feel that collectivity as a creative method has much more potency and prospects."
If we approach the play Non-existent city from the perspective offered by the playwright, we will probably see that this production will constantly be in between (next) to what has been proposed to avoid - sarcasm, irony and funny moments and sentimentality, idyllic depiction, when it is spoken of serious and sad things.
The latest work of the younger generation director Vidas Bareikis presented at the Kaunas State Drama Theatre was eagerly awaited. And not because the theatre is celebrating its 95th anniversary, or because a play is the best gift. This time the attention was drawn to the reason why this director, new in Kaunas theatrical life, is interesting, taking up quite a difficult task - to stage a play based on the Renaissance playwright William Shakespeare's play Hamlet.
This time is the most appropriate occasion to remember the founder and chief editor of kamane.lt, theatre critic and journalist, who worked during one of the most significant periods of Lithuanian theatre history - Vida Savičiūnaitė (1956–2011). On the 15th of January of this year, V. Savičiūnaitė would have celebrated her 60th jubilee. The silence after her passing is intuitively ripening the wish of her colleagues and relatives to remember her works and this time, to explore her work in the field of theatre criticism.
The Contemporary Dance Festival Aura, which will be celebrating its 25th anniversary will take place in Kaunas from the 7th of October to 11th. The head of the festival choreographer Birutė Letukaitė agreed to share her thoughts on the moods before the festival, special guests from abroad, contemporary dance genre and Lithuanian features in it.
Unfortunately, we will have to wait for a personal, sensitive and really provocative play. On the other hand, as it was promised by the actors in the beginning of the play "Woodman" directed by Valters Sīlis at the National Kaunas Drama Theatre, an interesting story, a tale was actually told. Only, I doubt it can work as our scary folk stories, full of blood and death.
Journalists and reviewers who write on theatre topics know very well how important it is to find the right time to talk with the director overwhelmed by the premiere. This time, we meet the director of Dea Loher's "Clara's Relationships" - Rolandas Atkočiūnas, whose premiere we will see at the Kaunas Sate Drama Theatre on September 25, 26 and 27. We meet at a very peculiar time - after the closed preview of the performance, during the corrective rehearsals.
As the theatre season is coming to an end it is important to pause, look back and think about it. To talk about the life of theater in today's Lithuania we invited the doctor of humanities in theatre studies, the head of Lithuanian National Drama Theatre literary department and lecturer at the Vilnius Academy of Arts - Daiva Šabasevičienė.
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