The Government Art and Culture Award is granted to emeritus artists since 1997 for the most significant culture and art works created by Lithuanian and emigrant Lithuanian artists during the latter 7 years as well as for the lasting contribution to culture and art.
Kaunas artists who have received the award:
Aldona Ruseckaitė – museologist, writer. EUR 12 920. 2016.
Gailiūtė Nijolė Tallat-Kelpšaitė – singer. EUR 12 920. 2016.
Sofija Jūratė Vyliūtė – musicologist. EUR 12 920. 2016.
Gražina Bernotienė – architect. EUR 12 920. 2015.
Arūnas Baltėnas – art photographer. EUR 12 920. 2015.
Irena Veisaitė – theatre critic, culture activist. EUR 12 920. 2015.
Algimantas Vincentas Raudonikis – composer. 44 thousand 200 LTL. 2014
Henrikas Vancevičius – director. 44 thousand 200 LTL. 2014
Gytis Bernardas Padegimas – director. 44 thousand 200 LTL. 2013
Vladas Stauskas – landscape architect, Habil. Dr. 44 thousand 200 LTL. 2013
Kaunas String Quartet – musicians:
Karolina Beinarytė,
Dalia Terminaitė,
Eglė Lapinskė,
Saulius Bartulis. For merits to Lithuanian culture and art. 44 thousand 200 LTL. March 16, 2012.
Robertas Keturakis – poet, prosaist, essayist and publicist. For merits to Lithuanian culture and art. 44 thousand 200 LTL. March 16, 2012.
Algimantas Aleksandras Mikuta - poet, translator. For expressiveness, paradoxical thinking, imagery, book translation. 44 thousand 200 LTL. March 16, 2012.
Jonas Minkevičius - architect. For merits to Lithuanian culture and art. 44 thousand 200 LTL. February 24, 2010.
Birutė Letukaitė-Komskienė - choreographer. For merits to Lithuanian culture and art. 44 thousand 200 LTL. February 13, 2008.
Jonas Arčikauskas - painter, scenographer. For merits to Lithuanian culture and art. 19 thousand 500 LTL. February 7, 2007.
Aldona Keturakienė - painter. For merits to Lithuanian culture and art. 19 thousand 500 LTL. February 7, 2007.
Veronika Povilionienė - singer. For merits to Lithuanian culture and art. 19 thousand 500 LTL. February 7, 2007.
Gražina Balandytė - actress. For deeds significant to Lithuanian art and culture. 18 thousand 750 LTL. February 8, 2006.
Giedrius Kuprevičius - composer. 18 thousand 750 LTL. For deeds significant to Lithuanian art and culture. February 8, 2006.
Jonas Romualdas Rakauskas - art photographer. For deeds significant to Lithuanian art and culture. 18 thousand 750 LTL. November 3, 2004.
Eugenijus Miliūnas - architect. For deeds significant to Lithuanian art and culture. 18 thousand 750 LTL. July 1, 1999.
Marija Matušakaitė - art researcher. For deeds significant to Lithuanian art and culture. 37 thousand 500 LTL. 1998.
Leonardas Zelčius - actor. For deeds significant to Lithuanian art and culture. 37 thousand 500 LTL. December 21, 1998.
Rūta Staliliūnaitė - actress. For deeds significant to Lithuanian art and culture. 37 thousand 500 LTL. June 30, 1998.