Kaunas Branch of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association is a division of a public non-profit creators’ organisation. Its aim is to encourage the development of professional art and art research, protection of art heritage and immortalising of memory of artists in Kaunas.
The division unites creating professional artists and art critics who have the higher education in art/ art criticism. The division has 289 members and 1 member of honour at the moment. Members of the Association are divided into sections according to their professions. There are nine of them: watercolour, art research, graphics, ceramics, monumental art, leather, sculpture, painting and interdisciplinary art, textile.
Robertas Antinis (sculptor) – winner of Grand Prix at the international contemporary art symposium “Europe-Biennale Niederlausitz. Installationnen inder Landschaft II. Intermediale Aktion” in Germany (1993); winner of award of the National M.K.Čiurlionis Art Museum for the best work-exposition “Wallpaper of Life” dedicated to the 100th birth anniversary of R. Antinis (father) (co-author A.Andriuškevičius, curator V.Jasevičiūtė, 1998) in the year 1999; winner of the Lithuanian National Prize (2002), prize winner of the book art competition Vilnius 2010 for the book “Į” (To) (2011).
Jūratė Armonavičiūtė (currier) – diploma of the 4th international artistic book binding exhibition “Book” in Vilnius (2003).
Elena Balsiukaitė-Brazdžiūnienė (painter) – main prize for the painting “Sheppard” in the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 1999” in Kaunas (2000).
Naglis Baltušnikas (painter, graphic) – winner of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2001” in Kaunas (in the field of inter-disciplinary art) (2002).
Živilė Bardzilauskaitė-Bergins (ceramicist) - Santaka sign of honour of the 3rd degree (2009).
Aušra Barzdukaitė-Vaitkūnienė (painter) – prize of Vilnius City Municipality for paintings in the 10th Baltic painting triennial in Vilnius (1996); prize of Nida municipality at the international Nida painting plain-air (1997), winner of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2002” in Kaunas (2003) for the work “Situations of Existence”, main prize and the prize of the weekly Literatūra ir Menas at the 12th Vilnius painting triennial “Seven Truths of Painting" for continuing traditions of expressionism (2004). Winner of the exhibition "The Best Artwork of the Year 2009" (2010) for the work "Painter's Fire in the 21st Century".
Vladimiras Beresniovas (graphic) – prize at the caricatures exhibition in Moscow (1990); prize at the caricatures exhibition in Kaunas (1992); 1st prize at the caricatures exhibition “Money, Business” in Kaunas (1994); 1st prize at the caricatures exhibition in Kaunas (1995); prize at the international caricatures exhibition in Byelovar, Yugoslavia (1995); prize at the international caricatures exhibition in San Paol, Brazil (1995); prize at the international caricatures exhibition in Kaliningrad, Russia (1995); 1st prize at the caricatures exhibition in Kaunas (1996); special prize at the international caricatures exhibition in Byelovar, Croatia (1997); special prize at the international caricatures exhibition in Slavonski Brod, Croatia (1997); 1st prize at the caricatures exhibition in Kaunas (1997); prize at the caricatures exhibition in Marijampolė (1998); diploma at the international caricatures exhibition in Taypay, Taiwan (1999); silver medal and special Luigi Mari prize at the 20th international biennial in Tolentino, Italy (1999).
Artūras Burneika (sculptor) – award for the most outstanding work of 2009 in public space (sculpture "Relax") in the exhibition "The Best Sculpture of the Year'09", Vilnius. First prize in the international Sapporo Snow Sculpture Competition (along with K.Lanauskas, T.Petreikis, 2011) for the sculpture “Hive”.
Romualdas Čarna (graphic artist) – the most memorable artist of Kaunas of 1999; in 2009 he was awarded with Santaka sign of honour of the 2nd degree.
Zinaida Irutė Dargienė (textile artist) - awarded with Santaka sign of honour of the 3rd degree in 2009.
Erikas Daugulis (sculptor) – contests of medals: for remembering January 13 in Vilnius (1991) – 3rd prize; S.C.Sugiharai – 2nd prize (1998), K.Donelaitis – 2nd prize (1999).
Jolanta Galdikaitė (graphic) – prize at the international graphic and ex-libris exhibition dedicated to the 200th birth anniversary of A.Mickevičius in Ostrov Vielkopolsky, Poland (1998); prize at the 2nd international ex-libris exhibition “50 Years to the European Union” in Rijeka, Croatia (1999); second prize at the international ex-libris contest dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Baltic Road in Vilnius (2000).
Vita Gelūnienė (textile artist) – Golden Badge and prize of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association for organisation of Kaunas art biennial “TEXTILE‘05” (2006).
Greta Grendaitė-Vosylienė (graphic artist) - diploma in the 7th International Triennial of Small Graphic Forms in Vilnius (2010).
Pranas Griušys (painter) – visitors’ prize for the work “One of Us” in the exhibition "The Best Artwork of the Year 1999” in Kaunas (2000); visitors’ prize in the exhibition "The Best Artwork of the Year 2002” in Kaunas (2003); prize of Oginskiai Manor Friends’ Club in the 4th Samogitian art exhibition in Plungė (2003); visitors’ prize in the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2008” in Kaunas for the work “A Horse’s Look” (2009).
Osvaldas Jablonskis (watercolourist) – diplomas in the international traditional and untraditional watercolour exhibition, Klaipėda (1997, 1999).
Emilija Jaudegytė (watercolourist) – diploma of the international watercolour exhibition in Klaipėda (2003).
Lina Jonikė (textile artist) – Golden Badge and prize of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association for creative achievements in year 2001.
Violeta Juodzevičienė (painter) – supporters’ prize for the work “Travel along Leta” in the exhibition "The Best Artwork of the Year 2003” in Kaunas (2004).
Danutė Marija Kalesinskaitė-Selmistraitienė (textile artist) – prize of the company Liteksas ir Calw for the tapestry “My Line” in the international textile exhibition “Line” (1999).
Jaunius Erikas Kaubrys (glass artist) – diploma in the exhibition "Kaunas Applied Art" for the collection of glass works (2000).
Kirvelienė Virginija (textile artist) – diploma in the exhibition "Kaunas Applied Art" for creative development of tradition (tapestry “Curtain”, 2000).
Lolita Kreivaitienė (currier) – diploma in the exhibition “1+21” in Tallinn for the composition “Decorative Forms" (1996); diploma of the Artists’ Association in the exhibition “Kaunas Applied Art” in Kaunas for the set of decorative boxes (2000); diploma in the international 4th artistic book binding exhibition “Book” in Vilnius (2003); diploma in the international leather art exhibition “1+21” at Keila National Museum in Tallinn (2004).
Kęstutis Lanauskas (sculptor) – winner of the exhibition "The Best Artwork of the Year 2005-2006” in Kaunas – for the sculpture “Dew Rose Up” (2007). First prize in the international Sapporo Snow Sculpture Competition (along with A.Burneika, T.Petreikis, 2011) for the sculpture “Hive”.
Algimantas Lapienis (scenographer) – visitors’ prize for the work “Ship” the exhibition "The Best Artwork of the Year 2000” in Kaunas (2001).
Virginija Ligeikienė (currier) – diploma in the exhibition “1+21” in Tallinn (1995), diploma in the international leather art exhibition “1+21” at Keila National Museum in Tallinn (2004).
Inga Likšaitė (textile artist) - visitors’ prize for the work “To Be Continued 2” in the exhibition "The Best Artwork of the Year 2005-2006” in Kaunas (2007).
Rūta Luckienė (textile artist, 1935-2010) – special award of the bookstore Humanitas for the work “Two” in the international textile exhibition “Line” (1999); diploma for the work “We are Coming in order to Go, We are Going in order to Come Back” in the applied art exhibition of Kaunas artists in Kaunas (2000); prize of the National M.K.Čiurlionis Art Museum and Kaunas City Municipality Culture Department in the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2000” in Kaunas for the best textile work in 2000 “Perhaps Such was the Beginning".
Janina Malinauskaitė (scenographer, artist) – letter of honour of Kaunas City Municipality for the lasting and selfless creative work for Kaunas city (2000); letter of gratitude of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania for important creative activities (2000).
Eimutis Markūnas (artist) – Golden Badge of the Artists’ Association for the personal exhibition “Identifications” in Kaunas (2006), winner of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2005-2006” in Kaunas for the project “Identifications” (2007).
Gražina Martinkevičiūtė (textile artist) – diploma in the international textile exhibition “Line” (1999).
Marija Matušakaitė (art researcher) – art prize of the Government of Lithuania for important works to Lithuanian art and culture (1998); diploma of the Lithuanian Art History Association for the best art research book “Old Wooden Sculpture and Decorative Carving in Lithuania” in 1998/1999 (2000).
Evaldas Mikalauskis (graphic) – diploma in the international ex-libris contest dedicated to Lago Maggiore Luine (1994, Italy); diploma and prize for aqua fortis “Substance II” in the engravings exhibition in Vilnius (2000); 2nd prize in the engravings exhibition in Vilnius (2002); winner of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2005-2006” in Kaunas for the triptych of graphics “Warm, Cold. I-II-III” (2007).
Eugenijus Nalevaika (watercolourist) – diploma of the international traditional and untraditional watercolour exhibition in Klaipėda for works “Melting Signs I, II, III “(1997); letter of honour of Kaunas County Governor’s Administration for creative activity (2000), winner of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2002” in Kaunas – for the watercolour “Fragments of 2002”; diploma in the international watercolour exhibition in Klaipėda (2003), Santaka sign of honour of the 2nd degree (2009).
Antanas Obcarskas (painter) – 1st prize for the installation “12 m² of Hay (Crib) in the exhibition “Image” in Kaunas (1990); prize of the National M.K.Čiurlionis Art Museum and Kaunas City Municipality Culture Department in the exhibition "The Best Artwork of the Year 2000" in Kaunas for the work-installation “Intervention”; winner of the exhibition "The Best Artwork of the Year 2002" in Kaunas (2003) – for the object “Cucumber I, II” .
Laima Oržekauskienė (textile artist) – diploma for creative continuity of classic traditions in the international textile exhibition “Line” in Kaunas (work “Torso XXL I, II”) (1999); nomination for the Grand Prix in the 6th international textile biennial in Kyoto, Japan (“Torso XXL I, II”) 1999; supporters’ award in the international textile exhibition “Soft World” in Kaunas (2001); Grand Prix award in the 4th international textile exhibition “The Good and Bad Sides” in Kaunas for the work “Women – Archatas” (2003); diploma in the 3rd international textile art biennial “From Lozana to Beijing” in Shanghais, China (2004); Golden Badge of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association (2005);
Evaldas Pauza (sculptor) – winner of the exhibition "The Best Artwork of the Year 2004" in Kaunas (2005) for the work “Nude”, winner of the exhibitions "The Best Artwork of the Year 2007" in Kaunas (2008) for the work “Gintarė/ Elektra”.
Audronė Petrašiūnaitė (painter) – prize of Vilnius City Municipality Culture and Art Department for the painting “Red Wine” at the 10th Vilnius painting triennial (1996); Golden Badge and prize of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association for the creative activity and personal exhibitions in 2003 (2004); winner of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2008” in Kaunas for the painting “A Look at Oneself” (2009).
Jūratė Petruškevičienė (textile artist) – diploma of Kaunas City Municipality Culture Department for the tapestry “Longing for the Sea” (2000) in the exhibition Kaunas Applied Art 2000.
Vytautas Povilaitis (painter) – winner of the exhibition “Painting, Graphics, Sculpture ’99” in Kaunas (1999).
Egidijus Rudinskas (graphic) – prize of the Artists’ Association for illustrations for the poetry book of H.L.Hix “The Last Hour” in the international book art triennial in Vilnius (1997), winner of Kaunas artists’ exhibition “Painting. Graphics. Sculpture-99” in Kaunas (1999), first prize for aqua fortis “Memory Garden” in the international graphic biennial “Frankavila al Mare” (2000 Italy), prize of the international small graphics exhibition in Cadaques (2000 Spain); diploma for the cycle of aqua fortis “Letters” in the 4th international small graphic biennial in Vilnius (2001), winner of the exhibition "The Best Artwork of the Year 2002" in Kaunas (2003) – for the work of graphics “Pleasures for the Ones Willing to Appear Behind the Horizon”, winner of the exhibition "The Best Artwork of the Year 2007" in Kaunas (2008) – for the work of graphics "Life in a Sand House". Golden Badge and prize of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association for personal exhibitions in Hamburg and Kaunas in 2008, for recognition “The Best Artwork of the Year” in Kaunas (2009).
Edmundas Saladžius (graphic) – prize for illustrations of Nemunas magazine editors (1996).
Vilius Slavinskas (watercolourist) – diplomas at the international watercolour exhibition in Klaipėda (in 1997 and 1999).
Birutė Sarapienė (textile artist) - main award of the international mini textile exhibition Miniartextilcomo (2008)
Vilius Slavinskas (aquarellist) - diplomas of international aquarelle exhibition in Klaipėda (1997 ir 1999).
Danielius Sodeika (sculptor) – the 1st prize at the wood symposium “La Bresse” in France (1996); special diploma of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association, Kaunas Branch in the exhibition “Painting, Graphics, Sculpture 1999” in Kaunas.
Leonas Strioga (sculptor) - Genovaitė Kazokienė Fine Arts Fund prize (1998), Lithuanian National Prize (2001).
Jolanta Šmidtienė (textile artist) - Crystal of Kindness for the continuous idea of the project of decorating M. Valančius Street and its implementation (2008).
Algimantas Šlapikas (sculptor) – prize of the National M.K.Čiurlionis Art Museum and Kaunas City Municipality Culture Department in the exhibition "The Best Artwork of the Year 1999" in Kaunas for the sculpture “Pew”; winner of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2001” in Kaunas; winner of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2002” in Kaunas (for the sculpture "Personal Game”), Golden Badge and prize of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association for the creative achievements in year 2002 (2003). Winner of the exhibition "The Best Artwork of the Year 2009" in Kaunas for sculpture "Express of the Week" (2010).
Alfredas Šatas (painter) – the first prize for the work “Lemgo Impressions” in the exhibition-contest “Kunstler sehen die Alte Hansestadt Lemgo” in Lipe (Germany) (1990).
Juozas Šlivinskas (sculptor) - S.Darius and S.Girėnas’ medal for artworks on the theme of aviation (1996);
Justas Tolvaišis (graphic) – diploma of the 1st degree for the illustration and artistic preparation of P.Dundulienė’s book “Bread in Lithuanian Daily Life and Manners” in the republic book art contest (1990); diploma of the third degree for the book of P.Dundulienė “Bread in Lithuanian Daily Life and Manners” in 22nd Baltic States and Byelorussian book art contest (1990).
Vytautas Umbrasas (sculptor) – Soros contemporary art prize in the exhibition “Between Sculpture and Object in Lithuanian Manner” in Vilnius (1993) for the work “Plane”.
Vytautas Umbrasas (sculptor) - in the exhibition "Between Sculpture and Object - in Lithuanian" in Vilnius (1993) for the work "Plane" - Soros contemporary art prize.
Algis Uždavinys (art researcher) - P.Dovydaitis’ prize (2000).
Virginija Venckūnienė (sculptor) – prize of foreign Lithuanians in the republic exhibition of fine arts “Autumn” in Vilnius (1993); diploma at the international sculpture quadrennial “Krustceles” in Riga (1996); 1st prize for the best collection of sculpture in Kaunas artists’ exhibition “Painting, Graphics, Sculpture” (1999).
Vita Voverienė (graphic) – diploma of the 1st degree for illustrations for B.Balčytis and A.Vaičiulienė’s book “Land of Numbers” in the contest of the most artistically illustrated and the best printed books in Vilnius (1993).
Stasys Žirgulis (sculptor) – Medal of the 1st Degree of the Grand Lithuanian Duke Gediminas’ Order for merits to Lithuania (1999), state stipend of the highest level of the Republic of Lithuania (1999), letter of gratitude of the Parliament Chairman of the Republic of Lithuania V. Landsbergis while commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Constitutive Parliament (2000), Knight’s Cross of Vytautas Magnus Order (2004), Golden Badge of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association and the prize for the monument in memoriam of resistance victims “Quiet Bell” in Alytus (2008).
Winners of exhibitions “The Best Artwork of the Year”
Winners of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 1998” in 1999:
Installation “100 Years to R. Antinis”, R. Antinis, V. Jasevičiūtė, A. Andriuškevičius;
Mikalojus Šalkauskas for painting “Pro Forma”;
Vytautas Umbrasas for the sculpture “Nine Swans”.
The most popular author elected by visitors Vytautas Tamoliūnas “Assumption” (41 vote).
450 visitors have voted.
78 works were exhibited.
Winners of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 1999” in 2000:
Elena Balsiukaitė for painting “Without a Name”;
Algimantas Šlapikas for the sculpture “Pew”;
Naglis Rytis Baltušnikas for the series of graphic works “LT (Lithuanian Painters)”.
The most popular author elected by visitors Pranas Griušys “One of Us” (47 votes).
427 visitors have voted.
77 works were exhibited.
Winners of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2000” in 2001:
Rūta Teresė Luckienė for textile “Perhaps Such was the Beginning”;
Antanas Obcarskas for the object “Intervention”.
The most popular author elected by visitors Algis Lapienis “A Ship” (51 vote).
479 visitors have voted.
61 work was exhibited.
Winners of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2001” in 2002:
Lina Jonikienė for textile “Textile and I”;
Marijus Petrauskas for graphic “Endless Self-portrait”;
Algimantas Šlapikas for the sculpture “Light and Dark”;
Naglis Rytis Baltušnikas for an inter-disciplinary work “J. Mačiūnas’ Square”.
The most popular author elected by visitors Lina Jonikienė (60 votes).
1002 visitors have voted.
107 works were exhibited.
Winners of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2002” in 2003:
Eugenijus Nalevaika for the watercolour “Fragments of 2002”;
Aušra Barzdukaitė-Vaitkūnienė for painting “Situations of Existence”;
Antanas Obcarskas for the object “Cucumber I, II”;
Algimantas Šlapikas for the sculpture “Personal Game”;
Egidijus Rudinskas for graphic “Pleasures for the Ones Willing to Appear Behind the Horizon”;
Greta Kardišiūtė, Kristina Tamašauskaitė-Frejienė for the debut “Whirlpools”.
The most popular author elected by visitors Pranas Griušys “Durbė’s Battle” (146 votes).
1463 visitors have voted.
91 work was exhibited.
Winners of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2003” in 2004:
Danielius Sodeika for the sculpture “Centaur”;
Aušra Kleizaitė for the object “The Art of Being a Girl”;
Inga Likšaitė for the debut “2LinesPer”.
The most popular author elected by visitors Pranas Griušys “Widows – Mermaids” (143 votes).
1507 visitors have voted.
64 works were exhibited.
Winners of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2004” in 2005:
Ausma Bankauskaitė for the work “Evidence”;
Evaldas Pauza for the work “Nude”;
Antanas Jusevičius for the work “End of Dress Rehearsal of the Concert for the Choir, Orchestra and Village Band”.
The most popular author elected by visitors Antanas Jusevičius (77 votes).
1240 visitors have voted.
126 works were exhibited.
Winners of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2005-2006” in 2007:
Kęstutis Lanauskas for the sculpture “Dew Rose up”;
Eimutis Markūnas for the project “Identifications”;
Evaldas Mikalauskis for the triptych of graphics “Warm, Cold. I-II-III” (2007)
The most popular author elected by visitors Inga Likšaitė for the work “To be Continued 2”.
1500 visitors have voted.
105 works were exhibited.
Winners of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2007” in 2008:
Egidijus Rudinskas for the triptych of graphics “Life in a Sand House”;
Arvydas Brazdžiūnas - Dusė for the painting “Officers’ Feast”;
Evaldas Pauza for the sculpture “Gintarė/Elektra”;
Agnietė Janušaitė for the textile work “Sterile”.
Winners of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2008” in 2009:
Audronė Petrašiūnaitė for the painting “A Look at Oneself”;
The most popular author elected by visitors is Pranas Griušys for the work “A Horse’s Look” (127 votes);
Jūratis Zalensas was awarded for the painting “Unknown Saint” (award “For Return” established in 2009)
1298 visitors have voted.
96 works were exhibited.
Winners of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2009” in 2010:
Aušra Barzdukaitė-Vaitkūnienė for the painting "Painter's Fire in the 21st Century";
Naglis Rytis Baltušnikas for the mosaic "1.2“;
Jūratė Kazakevičiūtė for the textile work "I am Nature";
Algimantas Šlapikas for the sculpture "Express of the Week";
Milda Gailiūtė - the most popular artist elected by visitors for the painting "Erased Space".
Winners of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2010” in 2011:
Ligita Marcinkevičiūtė for the graphic work “Grunewald Battle”;
Gintaras Kamarauskas for the sculpture “Night King”;
Arvydas Brazdžiūnas-Dusė – the most popular author elected by visitors for the painting “Girls”.
1393 visitors have voted.
81 works were exhibited.
Winners of the Golden Badge of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association
The Golden Badge of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association is the most honourable award of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association granted to artists for special creative achievements of the year. The golden badge was granted to the following artists creating in Kaunas:
Lina Jonikė (textile) – for creative achievements of the year 2001, the badge was granted in 2002.
Algimantas Šlapikas (sculpture) – for creative achievements of the year 2002, the badge was granted in 2003.
Audronė Petrašiūnaitė (painting) – for creative activity and personal exhibitions in 2003, the badge was granted in 2004.
Laima Oržekauskienė (textile) or creative achievements of the year 2004, the badge was granted in 2005.
Vita Gelūnienė (textile) – for the organisation of Kaunas art biennial “TEXTILE‘05”, 2006.
Eimutis Markūnas (inter-disciplinary art) – for the personal exhibition “Identifications”, 2007.
Stasys Žirgulis (sculpture) – for the monument in memoriam of resistance victims “Quiet Bell”, 2008.
Kęstutis Grigaliūnas (graphics) – for personal exhibitions in Vilnius, Kaunas, New York and project-exhibition “Album of Vilnius” (notebook No.2), 2009.
Egidijus Rudinskas (graphics) – for personal exhibitions in Hamburg and Kaunas, for recognition in “The Best Artwork of the Year” in Kaunas, 2009.