2011 - Title of the Citizen of Honour of Kaunas granted to the architect Eugenijus Miliūnas.
2009 – silver-plate medal of Kaunas city burgomaster Jonas Vileišis granted to the architect Eugenijus Miliūnas.
2009 – 1st place of the competition “A House for an Optimist” won by the collective of authors Linas Tuleikis, Kęstutis Vaikšnoras, Paulius Vaitiekūnas for the project “House in Advertisement” (for the snappily, simply and rationally used present space granting positive meaning to them and for reaction to negative tendencies of Lithuanian landscape)
2009 – Award of the Art Creators’ Association to the group of authors (Rymantė Gudienė, Liuda Marija Perevičienė and Laimutei Adomavičienė) – architects for the project of reconstruction of Kaunas State Philharmonic.
2008 – The Wing of Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Theology in Kaunas, Gimnazijos Str. 7 designed by the architect Rimantė Gudienė was recognised the best example of a new building in historical environment by the Lithuanian Association of Art Historians in the contest “The Best and Worst Buildings of the Independence Period in the Historical Environment”.
2008 – The private dwelling house reconstructed according to the project of architects Rimas Adomaitis and Gintautas Natkevičiusin Vilnius, Žvėrynas quarter, D. Poškos Str. 61, was recognised the best example of reconstruction by the Lithuanian Association of Art Historians in the contest “The Best and Worst Buildings of the Independence Period in the Historical Environment”.
2008 – Award of the architect A.Zaviša Support and Charity Fund to Vilius Adomavičius and Vida Vyšniauskienė (for the villa in Naujieji Bajorai village, Ignalina district).
2008 – Award of the Ministry of Environment for creative achievements in urbanism and architecture fields to Eugenijus Miliūnas, Gintaras Balčytis, Algimantas Bublys, Algimantas Černiauskas and Linas Tuleikis (Šiauliai Aukštabalis multifunctional complex (Šiauliai City Arena).
2006 – Winner of the National Culture and Art Prize Nijolė Lukšionytė-Tolvaišienė.
2006 - Winner of the National Culture and Art Prize Saulius Juškys.