From 1990 professional awards of various levels were granted to the members of the Lithuanian Writers‘ Union, Kaunas Branch (surnames listed in the alphabetical order):
Gražina Cieškaitė – Winner of the Poetry Spring for the book Skrendu virš labirinto (Flying over the Labyrinth) (Vilnius: Vaga, 1989), 1990.
Daiva Čepauskaitė – the third prize for the play Bulvinė pasaka (Potato Tale) during the contest of OLF plays for children, 2001. The first prize for the play Pupos (Beans) in the contest of plays announced by the Lithuanian Radio, 2002. The second prize for the playAtviras lūžis (Open Fracture) in the contest of plays announced by the Lithuanian Radio, 2003. The most memorable artist of Kaunas, 2004. LATGAA prize for dramaturgy, 2004. Winner of the Poetry Spring 2005 for the poetry book Nereikia tikriausiai būtina (Not Needed Most Probably Necessary).
Vytautas Čepliauskas – the first part Vieškelių aidas (Echo of Public Roads) of the novel Ražienos (Stubble) was awarded with K. Gricius Fund prize in Montgomery contest of literature works (USA) in 1997.
Gintautas Dabrišius – winner of the Poetry Spring (2006), winner of Zigmas Gėlė prize (1983).
Aleksas Dabulskis – winner of Augustinas Gricius’ prize. Winner of LATGAA nomination of translator of the year in 2001. Knight’s Cross of Grand Lithuanian Duke Gediminas' Order, 2004. The Culture and Art Prize of Kaunas City Municipality was granted in 2009 for significant activity in the literature field.
Erika Drungytė – winner of Klaipėda University creative contest of literature in 1995.
The best debut of the Poetry Spring in 1997. Winner of the evening “Poems Throughout the Night” of the Poetry Spring in 2003. Winner of Salomėja Nėris Prize in 2009 for the collection of poems "Mist and Wind". Winner of the Literary Fox in the event Panevėžys Literary Winter in 2010.
Zita Gaižauskaitė - winner of One Litas Prize in 2009 for the collection of poems "Where Are You Heading, Cloud?"
Jurgis Gimberis – winner of Augustinas Gricius’ prize in 1989. Winner of One Litas prize for Kudirka-like citizenship in books Mišiugino dienoraštis (Mišiugin's Diary) and Misės, mano boba ir kiti reikalai (Misses, My Woman and Other Things), winner of Kaunas Art Creators’ Assocaition for the selection of humour stories Meilė bei kiti fundamentalieji mokslai (Love and Other Fundamental Sciences)in 2006, winner of the culture and art prize of Kaunas city municipality for the most important work in the field of literature in 2008.
Leonas Gudaitis - Knight’s Cross of Grand Lithuanian Duke Gediminas' Order, 1997.
Gediminas Jankus - B. Dauguvietis’ prize of the 1st degree for the series of 3 dramas Amžinas keleivis (Eternal Traveller). Remembrance medal of January 13, 1992.
Juozas Jasaitis – the second prize of Lietuvių Balsas newspaper competition for the novel Ganytojas (Pastor) in 2004.
Donaldas Kajokas – winner of Jotvingiai prize (prize is granted during Druskininkai Poetical Autumn) in 1991. Prize of Salomėja Nėris during the Poetry Spring in 1992. Winner of the Poetry Spring for the book Drabužėliais baltais (In White Clothes) (Kaunas: Nemunas, 1994) in 1995. Prize of the Lithuanian Writers’ Union for the selection of poetry Meditacijos (Meditations) (Vilnius: Vaga, 1997) in 1998. Winner of the National Culture and Art Prize for the selection of poetry Meditacijos (Meditations) and book of essays Dykinėjimai (Idleness) in 1999. Prize of the Poetry Spring for the best book of essays Lietaus migla Lu kalne (Mist of Rain on Lu Mountain) (Vilnius: Lithuanian Writers’ Union Publishers, 2002) in 2003. One Litas prize for Grušas-like creativity in the poetry selection Karvedys pavargo nugalėti (General Tired of Winning) in 2006.
Robertas Keturakis – the second prize of Lietuvių Balsas newspaper competition for the book Kulka Dievo širdy (Bullet in God’s Heart) in 2001. Winner of Jonas Aistis Prize in 2006. Winner of the Poetry Spring in 1981.
Rimantas Klusas – winner of Augustinas Gricius prize.
Tautvyda Marcinkevičiūtė-Patackienė – Prize of the magazine Moteris during the Poetry Spring in 1999. Winner of One Litas prize for Grušas-like creativity in the book Gatvės muzikantas (Street Musician) in 2001.
Rimantas Marčėnas – One Litas prize for the historical novel Karūnos spindesio apakinti (Blinded by the Shine of the Crown) in 2008.
Algimantas Mikuta – Prize of Kauno Diena during the Poetry Spring of 1995 for the best reflection of reality in poetry. Medal of Grand Lithuanian Duke Gediminas' Order in 2003. Salomėja Nėris Prize during the Poetry Spring in 2003. Winner of the Poetry Spring in 1979.
Kęstutis Navakas – Winner of J.Lindė-Dobilas’ prize for the book of essays Gero gyvenimo kronikos (Chronicles of Good Life) in 2006, winner of Jotvingiai prize for the book of poems Atspėtos fleitos (Guessed Flutes) in 2006, winner of the National Culture and Art Prize in 2006, the most memorable artist of Kaunas of year 2006, the book Du lagaminai sniego (Two Suitcases of Snow) was elected the Book of the Year in the Election of the Book of the Year (in the category of books for grown-ups) in 2009; German Hessen Land Literature Stipend (2010), winner of Maironis Prize (2014).
Gintaras Patackas – Winner of the Poetry Spring for the book Jazmino žiedas vakarą prakalbina (Blossom of Jasmine Speaks to You in the Evening) (Vilnius: Vaga, 1997) in 1998. Prize of the culture weekly Literatūra ir Menas on the occasion of recovery of the press. The most memorable artist of Kaunas of 2009 (2010).
Petras Palilionis – Winner of B. Dauguvietis’ prize for drama poems Vėjuota saulė (Windy Sun) and Visais gyvenimo kodeksais (According to All Codes of Life). Prize of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania for the book Svajojęs gražų gyvenimą (The One Who Dreamed of Beautiful Life) (Vilnius: Lithuanian Writers’ Union Publishers, 2001) in 2001. Winner of the Poetry Spring (1980). The Culture and Art Prize of Kaunas City Municipality was granted in 2009 for significant activity in the literature field, lasting and important work in the culture field.
Aldona Elena Puišytė-Grigaliūnienė – Winner of the Poetry Spring (1986), winner of the Lithuanian Writers’ Union prize in 2006, winner of Jonas Aistis’ prize in 2006, Santaka sign of honour of the 3rd degree in 2006. Poetry Spring award for subtlety and spirituality and long years of creation in 2008; winner of One Litas prize for the work Begaliniam kely (In Endless Road) in 2011.
Viktoras Rudžianskas - Salomėja Nėris prize during the Poetry Spring in 2002. Prize of Kaunas Art Creators’ Association for the book of conversations and essays about the priest and poet Ričardas Mikutavičius Gyvenęs ir mūsų gyvenimus (The One Who Lived Our Lives) (Kaunas: UAB Arx Baltica, 2003) in 2004. Vytautas Gedgaudas’ prize for the book Gyvenęs ir mūsų gyvenimus (The One Who Lived Our Lives) in 2004. Winner of the Lithuanian Journalists’ Union contest of essays in Kultūros Versmės in 2004. Winner of the Poetry Spring for the book of poems NUO do IKI do (FROM do To do) in 2008. Winner of the Literary Hat in the event Panevėžys Literary Winter in 2010.
Aldona Ruseckaitė – Medal of Grand Lithuanian Duke Gediminas' Order in 1997, winner of One Litas prize for elemental femininity in the novella Sidabro sodai (Silver Gardens) in 2005, J. Aistis literature prize for the popularisation of the poet J. Aistis’ name and the book of poetry Bėk, kiele, bėk (Run, Wagtail, Run) in 2008. Brick of kindness for public activities and attempts to introduce Lithuanian literature to Kaunas inhabitants. Knight's Cross of the Order "For Merits to Lithuania" in 2010.
Jūratė Sučylaitė – A. Lerner pioneer’s sign of the USA National Poetic Association in 2004.
Violeta Šoblinskaitė – Žemaitė’s literature prize for the novel on the country-side theme Vilkų marti (Daughter-in-law of Wolves)(Kaunas: Magazine Nemunas publishers, 2003) in 2004. Winner of One Litas prize for Vaižgantas-like rich language in the novel Vilkų marti (Daughter-in-law of Wolves) in 2004.
Rita Vinciūnienė – Winner of Prelate J. Prunskis prize for theological activity and book of essays under the pseudonym of R.Latvėnaitė Skaudus praregėjimas (Painful Afflatus) in 1992.
Dovilė Zelčiūtė – Salomėja Nėris prize during the Poetry Spring in 2004 for the book Lapkričio pratimėliai (November Exercises)(Kaunas: Magazine Nemunas Publishers, 2003). J. Lindė-Dobilas prize for the selection of poetry Atgal į vandenį (Back to Water)(Vilnius: Tyto alba, 2004) in 2005.
Markas Zingeris – Winner of One Litas prize for the impressive twinkling of reality in the book Iliuzionas in 2000. Sign of remembrance was granted in 2003 on the occasion of invitation to NATO.