Tautvyda Marcinkevičiūtė, "Currently I am writing 'into the drawer'" 3
In brief: After I decided to interview Tautvyda Marcinkevičiūtė I realized that I do not have her phone number. First thought that I gave into was to go to Laisvės Alėja, which is known to be the office of the poet Gintaras Patackas (not so small: somewhere from the fountain to Vilnius street) and ask him. That is what I did. I found G. Patackas easily - at one of the cafes of Laisvės Alėja. He was not alone. Next to the massively-built spouse, as if some little bird, sat Tautvyda - fragile, petite, smiling.
I wanted to know what T. Marcinkevičiūtė road to poetry was, what it means to her and why she became a poet.
“I started writing poems in school, but at the time did not associate myself with poetry, because I thought that poets were the God's chosen ones having some kind of a secret relationship with him. I only started to run my "bonanza" when I was a student in university. I overcame my timidity and took my poems to the offices of Nemunas where they were very enthusiastically received by the poet Robertas Keturakis, who nurturing me as an artist, was able to convince me that I will dedicate my whole life to poetry. He was that runway from which my paper plane took off...”
The latest poetry book of Tautvyda Marcinkevičiūtė "Quicktime lift" was awarded the laurels of "Poetry Spring." Author ads: In addition to "Poetry spring", "Quicktime lift received two more prizes - Salomėja Neris prize and Kauno diena prize and also appeared in the top five of the best poetry books of the year. Unfortunately, I feel disadvantaged by Lithuanian Ministry of Culture and the Lithuanian Council for Culture, which did not even support the publishing of this book that was awarded later. If not Kauno grūdai and their general director Tautvydas Barštys and Kaunas Municipality (Thank you!) the book would not have been published.”
What is poetry to Tautvyda Marcinkevičiūtė? Is she able to live without it? Poet answers, "Is it possible to live without poetry? Is it possible to live without the feeling of love? I can only answer to your question rhetorically. But once you experience it, after losing this feeling of love to poetry, you become unhappy. You live but that life does not have quality anymore; the diamonds it throws at you, like the Snow Queen's ice does not touch your heart anymore. As if it was frozen, or someone had put you in the fridge..."