Kaunas Artists' House Lithuanian art news website
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The display of the ‘Odyssey of Colours’ lets us get acquainted with the reserved, lyrical, mystical and passionate master of colours A. Galdikas. The exhibition is as if a colourful time travel with paintings of expressive and abstract colours.
The anniversary exhibition of A.Andziulytė reflects the creative search, wanders and returns of the artist. The paintings refer to certain geographical places or objects but they are also full of space and mood that are accentuated by a specific material of tin. Signs of temporality (rivers, sunset, moon) remind us about the stream of time and fragility of moments of our existence.
Antinomies define the exhibition of A. Petrašiūnaitė and L. Drazdauskaitė the best: vivid – pastel, sharp – soft, personal – universal. Nature without human forms is inspiration to one of the artists, while another one is influenced by her own intimate and close surroundings. In any case, an individual world is created, open to wide interpretations. The duet represents harmony of contrasts from a poetical natural world to personal and hurtful experiences, coloured with a light irony. 2
Antinomies define the exhibition of A. Petrašiūnaitė and L. Drazdauskaitė the best: vivid – pastel, sharp – soft, personal – universal. Nature without human forms is inspiration to one of the artists, while another one is influenced by her own intimate and close surroundings. In any case, an individual world is created, open to wide interpretations. The duet represents harmony of contrasts from a poetical natural world to personal and hurtful experiences, coloured with a light irony.
The international Vitrum Balticum glass art project was organised in Lithuania for the fifth time. Glass art exhibitions are held in Lithuania rather rarely but they are welcomed and significant. Aims and conceptions of the Vitrum Balticum are interesting and purposeful. Since the largest textile biennial in Europe is already organised in Lithuania, it could be hoped that eventually we will have a big event of glass art too. 6
The international Vitrum Balticum glass art project was organised in Lithuania for the fifth time. Glass art exhibitions are held in Lithuania rather rarely but they are welcomed and significant. Aims and conceptions of the Vitrum Balticum are interesting and purposeful. Since the largest textile biennial in Europe is already organised in Lithuania, it could be hoped that eventually we will have a big event of glass art too.
The duet created an aesthetical and purified spectacle in the gallery. An everyday activity – knitting – was represented as a form of meditation in terms of affecting viewers. V. Tamoševičiūtė naked as a baby was sitting within white walls, in the circle of blue threads, indifferent towards the environment, ignoring the cold and tiredness (the performance 'Armour' took seven hours). Surrounded by sounds created by D. Pupkevičiūtė, she was knitting a scarf and transferring the viewers into a parallel world. 4
The duet created an aesthetical and purified spectacle in the gallery. An everyday activity – knitting – was represented as a form of meditation in terms of affecting viewers. V. Tamoševičiūtė naked as a baby was sitting within white walls, in the circle of blue threads, indifferent towards the environment, ignoring the cold and tiredness (the performance 'Armour' took seven hours). Surrounded by sounds created by D. Pupkevičiūtė, she was knitting a scarf and transferring the viewers into a parallel world.
The musicians of the Saulės Broliai believe that their music is capable of curing the depressed society. They always try to radiate good emotions and warmth, to share the joy of living.
Kaunas Balta Gallery has organised the festive exhibition-competition ‘Colour – Mood – Symbol’ for the third time already. White colour is interpreted in the show by the Lithuanian artists who use various techniques in order to express the significance of white. Some authors associate it with purity and cleanness; others perceive it as a state of space for sacrality and contemplation or attempt to reveal the aesthetics of the colour. 8
Kaunas Balta Gallery has organised the festive exhibition-competition ‘Colour – Mood – Symbol’ for the third time already. White colour is interpreted in the show by the Lithuanian artists who use various techniques in order to express the significance of white. Some authors associate it with purity and cleanness; others perceive it as a state of space for sacrality and contemplation or attempt to reveal the aesthetics of the colour.
The exhibition ‘Delivered by Dreams – Aborigines’ is a peculiar interpretation of this unique culture. Mythology is relevant in the show: aborigines derive themselves from dreams; they come from dreams and return to them; they do not have one god. Aborigines worship their ancestors who created the Earth. Analysing the cultures, Z. Dargienė noticed that there were many symbols and metaphors living in all cultures.