Lina Klusaitė, 2009 02 04Scene from the performance Decalogue. Photo by D.MatvejevasIn brief: People that complained about the lack of performances of young theatre artists recently should take their complaints back. Last year saw a really big number of performances presenting the young generation.The festival “Silence” of 2008 introduced works of the young directors prepared by Rimas Tuminas. The new premiere “Decalogue” of Gintaras Varnas’ course students was advertised energetically. “Seagull” by Anton Chekhov was acted by R.Tuminas’ course actors this year. “Open Circle” showed diploma works at the Arts Printing House. Not to speak about the initiatives of Kaunas Drama Theatre.One may state at the moment that the abundant harvest of young theatre creators did not surprise by any special discoveries or innovative solutions; still, it stirred the routine of the self-contented theatre. Nonetheless, the debut of young actors who replenished the troupe of Kaunas Drama Theatre (discussed earlier in and performances of the aforementioned directors showed that young age was not always directly equal to success.While discussions regarding the “Seagull” directed by R.Tuminas continue, the author remembers performances of G.Varnas’ actors in Kaunas and Vilnius. The newest of them “Decalogue” based on improvisational sketches caused positive evaluations of critics.This and other performances are attended by youth well; however, looking from the perspective of professional theatre, they may be evaluated as students’ works reflecting the educational processes. The main reproaches would come to directors here who do not use the actors’ capabilities, functionality of new forms. There are no doubts that the actors, who have created an improvisational frame for the theme of Decalogue, did everything that they could. The final construction of “Decalogue” on stage is the director’s work. Unfortunately, the reviewer missed this work on the stage.Therefore, the author gets back to the problem of place of students’ performances in the theatre system. One problem is evident in Lithuania – the lack of a special students’ theatre. A theatre that reflects the educational process may not be related with commercial expectations or pushed into creative institutions uniting professionals.Knowing the priorities of contemporary Lithuania, it would be naïve to expect quick changes in this field. Still, the fact that the Educational Dance Theatre was opened at the National M.K. Čiurlionis Art School in Vilnius recently lets one cherish this hope.