European Capital of Culture - an opportunity for Kaunas to change for the better 2015-02-11
Kaunas, which has previously expressed its ambitions to become a part of UNESCO World Heritage, is preparing to claim yet another prestigious name - to become a European Capital of Culture of 2022. And while the example of Vilnius brought out not only positive associations of this name in Lithuania, the consultants who help cities prepare their candidacy for the title of the European Capital of Culture met the representatives of Kaunas cultural institutions, on Tuesday and share some very different stories - when the year of European Capital of Culture ends not only with success, but leaves a long-term benefit to the city, that does not fade with the last event's fireworks.
Monument or heritage? Kaunas of the 19th century in the 21st century 2015-01-07
The author states that emphasis on the monument prevails in Kaunas while speaking on heritage questions. Still, he names the positive impulse – the attempt to receive the European Heritage Label to Kaunas modern architecture and to seek for the recognition of UNESCO. These aims encourage the public to think about heritage and to search for methods of realising our past. The idea of the city to choose culture as the needed impulse for the city is surely correct according to the author.
Green figures of Vilnius and communist Vytautas of Kaunas 2014-09-10
The trouble is that even the biggest name cannot neutralise the heavy historical load that is carried by the communistic symbols. While the communistic symbols are still on the bridge, we should lift our heads and look at them well. If they appear unpleasant to our hours, we should stand for their removal.
Biases of interwar city planning heritage 2014-08-21
We are often misled by material artefacts of the past. The harmonious development of the city is always defined by the dichotomy of tradition versions novelty. Novelty should be introduced into tradition in time so that it could become tradition in its turn. It would be the logical change of the city organism.
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