Art connections 4

Kristina Budrytė-Genevičė, 2014-11-14
Performance of French group Zwann ei Collective “Apnea” at the gallery Meno Parkas. Photo by Airida Rekštytė

In brief: The contemporary art festival “Kaunas in Art: Spread. Connections. 2014” is coming to an end. Out of the great number of events, only the presentation of the Bulgarian curator Neno Belchev “Living in Post-Socialism” should be seen at Meno Parkas gallery.

The author states that all the seen events of the festival replenished each other unintentionally. Some performances or video works were unique by their individuality and it was interesting to see them in a group exhibition as independent works. Such were the works of Patricija Gilytė, Rimantas Milkintas or the French group Zwann ei Collective.

Other events, especially exhibitions in which the word “photography” was mentioned, were related by the meanings of contemporary photography and the paradox of meanings. The author mentions the project of Lena Lapschina (Austria) Trees and Poets, Citified (The Urbanist's Alphabet)at Kaunas Photography Gallery, Steve Yates (USA) photo installation “Constructed to be Photographic” or installation of the Latvian artist Kaspars Podnieks “Rommel’s Dairy” (both at the gallery Meno Parkas). Growing out of one specific form and art genre is typical of these exhibitions. Through the instrument of photography, the authors of the exhibition research art source codes, analyse theoretical intentions and practically captured visual documents.

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