Kęstutis Navakas was born on 24 02 1964 in Šeiminiškės, Utena region and is a poet, essayist, literary critic and translator. He is a member of the Lithuanian Writers’ Union from 1993. After graduation from Kaunas Aleksonis Secondary School in 1983, he took up the German language course in Zatzburg in 1992.
He became a chairperson of the Kaunas Young Writers’ Section from 1987 (to 1988). From 1994 to 1996, he was culture columnist and literary critic for the newspapers "Kauno diena" and "Noriu".
In 1996, the poet opened a bookstore Seven Solitudes in Kaunas and headed it till 2000. During the period he organised about 70 literature evenings.
From 1998 to 1999 he reviewed new books at the Lithuanian State Television and between 2002-2004 he worked in the cultural broadcast Culture House at the same television. Presently he cooperates in the weekly Nemunas and presents new books in other publications of the country.
Navakas has translated poetry, some short stories, plays and librettos from German and other languages.
The poetry of Navakas has been translated to the Russian, Latvian, Georgian, Finish, Swedish, Macedonian, German, English languages. Moreover, he has participated in poetry festivals and seminars in Germany, Austria, the USA, Russia, Georgia, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia and other countries.
Krintantis turi sparnus (A Falling One Has Got Wings): poems. Vaga, 1988.
Pargriautas barokas (Knocked Down Baroque): poems. Lithuanian Writers' Union Publishers, 1996.
Žaidimas gražiais paviršiais (Playing with Beautiful Surfaces): poems. Lithuanian Writers' Union Publishers, 2003. (Kaunas diena award, nomination for the name of Poetry Spring winner).
Gero gyvenimo kronikos (Chronicles of Good Life): essays. Lithuanian Writers' Union Publishers, 2005.
Atspėtos fleitos (Guessed Flutes): poems. Vilnius: Lithuanian Writers' Union Publishers, 2006.
Iš gyvenimo garstyčių bei krienų: pokštai eiliuoti ir ne (From Mustard and Horseradish of Life, Rhymed and Unrhymed Jokes), Publishers of the Lithuanian Writers’ Union, 2007.
Du lagaminai sniego: esė (Two Suitcases of Snow: essays). - Vilnius: Tyto Alba, 2008.
Stalo sidabras: rinktiniai eilėraščiai (Silverware: selected poems). - Vilnius: Lithuanian Writers’ Union Publishers, 2008.
Daikčiukų visata. Stalo apologija: esė(Universe of Things. Apology of Table: essays). – Vilnius: Lithuanian National Martynas Mažvydas Library, 2008.
Sutiktas Kaunas(Met Kaunas, album along with Gintaras Česonis). – Kaunas: Meno Tvirtovė, 2009.
Visi laiškai - žirafos: esė(All Letters - Giraffes) (along with Akvilė Žilionytė). – Vilnius: Vaga, 2012.
Lorelei: 50 love letters + 50 love poems. – Kaunas: Kitos knygos, 2013.
100 du: (100 two: poems). – Vilnius: Apostrofa, 2013.
Begarsis skambutis: esė (Silent Ring: essays). – Vilnius: Tyto Alba, 2015.
For children:
Ži ir Be stebi saulėlydžius (Ži and Be Watching Sunsets – a tale for children). – Kaunas: Jūsų Flintas, 2011.
Udo ir Dra niekaip nesusikalba (Udo and Dra do not Understand Each Other – a tale for children). – Kaunas: Jūsų Flintas, 2012.
Žvėreliai mokosi draugauti (Animals Learning to be Friends - tale) (along with Marija Smirnovaite). – Kaunas: Jūsų Flintas, 2014.
2003 – Prize of Kauno Diena for the book "Playing with Beautiful Surfaces”.
2004 – Prize of the salon Balta Varna for the most elegant prose (J.Kunčinas readings, Alytus).
2005 – Prize of Lietuvos Rytas annex Mūzų Malūnas for the best book of the year ("Chronicles of Good Life").
2006 – Winner of the National Culture and Art Prize.
2006 – Prize of the Poetry Spring for the best essays ("Chronicles of Good Life").
2006 – J.Lindė-Dobilas prize for the book of essays "Chronicles of Good Life".
2006 – Jotvingiai prize for the poetry book "Guessed Flutes".
2006 – The most memorable artist of Kaunas.
2009 – The book "Two Suitcases of Snow" was elected the Book of the Year in the Election of the Book of the Year (in the category of books for grown-ups).
2014 – Kaunas City Municipality Santaka award of 2nd degree.
2014 – Winner of Poetry Spring and Maironis Prize for the poetry books “100 du” and “Lorelei: 50 meilės laiškų + 50 meilės eilėraščių”.