Gintautas Dabrišius was bon in Sarginė, Prienai region, on October 10, 1950. He studied at Kaunas Gardening Technical School and later worked at the Academy of Agriculture. Silently he continued writing poems and gave himself out by the first book in 1982. From 1990 he is a member of the Lithuanian Writers’ Union. He should be living in Kaunas but presently lives in the countryside along with bees and poetry. “I have been writing honestly and stayed invisible“, assured G.Dabrišius even after he was awarded with the crown of the Poetry Spring of 2006.
Vienplaukis prie plento (Bareheaded on the Road): poems. Vilnius: Vaga, 1982.
Klevo obuoliai (Maple Apples): poems. Vilnius: Vaga, 1986.
Baltasis slaptažodis (White Password): poems for youth. Vilnius: Vyturys, 1990.
Sunkiai kylanti antis (A Hardly Rising Duck): poems. Kaunas: Nemunas, 1998.
Sviest akmenuką (To Cast a Stone): poems. Kaunas: Nemunas, 2005.
Ilga žuvis (Long Fish): poems. Kaunas: Nemunas, 2007.
Joju vienas (Riding Alone): poems. – Kaunas: Kauko Laiptai, 2011.
Rinktiniai eilėraščiai (Selected poems): Library of Poetry Spring Winners. – Kaunas: Naujasis Lankas, 2012.
Ievų daina (Song of Bird Cherries): poems. – Prienai: UAB Aipek, 2013.
Upė Jekaterinai (River for Jekaterina): poems. – Kaunas: Kauko Laiptai, 2013.
1983 – Zigmas Gėlė prize.
2006 – Winner of the Poetry Spring for the book “To Cast a Stone“.
2012 – Salomėja Nėris prize for the selection of poems “Riding Alone”.
2012 – One Litas prize for the book “Riding Alone".
2014 – Antanas Baranauskas literature prize for poetry books “Riding Alone” and “River for Jekaterina”.