Kaunas Artists' House Lithuanian art news website
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The destruction of valuable buildings of architecture of Soviet times continues in Kaunas – their authors have already been evaluated by the title of Knight of Architecture in the years of Lithuania‘s independence already. Merkurijus shopping centre of Algimantas Sprindys has already been doomed. Now the time has come for the funeral home "Sorrow" designed by the Knight of Architecture Alfredas Paulauskas located at Jonavos Str. 220. Kaunas Branch of the Lithuanian Architects‘ Union sent letters to state culture heritage institutions asking to stop the unmotivated intention to pull down the complex “Sorrow“.
“Art + Art of Communication. Sound”: the use of sound is not any novelty in art. The theory of synesthesia was considered some century ago, and contemporary art of installations utilises sound material more and more frequently. Still, view is not art as sound by itself is not music yet. What is colourful noise then? Why iron blind cradle with a barred window is safe?
Attempts to express thoughts and emotions occurring to a spectator in sound remind of staged applause and laughing in cheap comedies and shows. Irony is not the only method to attract a spectator – the art of communication may not be imagined without secret of pauses and quiet moments. Therefore, the project “Art + Art of Communication. Sound” serves as a challenge.
Are performers guilty themselves that they are cast to the depth of music with a friendly wish not to drown without a lifebelt? And perhaps it is the perfunctory attitude of concert organisers that Kaunas residents will be satisfied with anything. Unfortunately, nobody wins in either of the cases if a festival of professional frustration is offered instead of concentration on All Souls Day.
The works of Konstantinas Gaitanži are the caricature of contemporary society heading towards self-destruction. K.Gaitanži stresses the influence of comics style on his works. It is vividly expressed by colours, flat painting and literature features of paintings. Still, vapidity that the artist perceives in contemporary society has impact on the form of his works insensibly.
Sometimes contemporary music may be compared with scientific articles on new inventions. At the beginning it seems that only the inventors and their colleagues are capable of understanding such an article. Time is needed until the discovery is put to use. Still, one may not forecast how much time will be needed. Perhaps this secret serves as attraction to take interest in new tendencies in art and music. The need often emerges from habit but may also appear from curiosity.
Blue woman: What svamis, get down to earth. Lithuania is suffering from moral and economic crisis! Hush, cat, do not laugh! What will become of the nation fed with such art? No thought, no meaning, who gave permission for demonstrating the pornographic “art” of low morale and of the level of colour books? I'll address responsible institutions and call journalists as this may not be left unnoticed. (The power disappears after two minutes).
Kaunas Architecture and Urbanism Experts’ Council (KAUET) approved of the idea of the new car service centre as the City Gate even though its architectural expression still lacks originality, emotion and colours.
Absolute silence descended in the heart, mind and thoughts. Everything broke off… I stopped fearing for anything. Arūnas died in a small street of N.Izashvili in Tbilisi. This was the place where he left Earth. Mountainous, proud Georgia and endless distances of skies with the painted kite flying in the wind invited Arūnas to continue the endless trip.
Later Arūnas pronounced strange words: “It is egoistic to attach to one person, even if he/she is the dearest person. One has to love all people, like it is stated in the Bible. Whatever happens, we are always together.”
When you do not know how a painting is born, you feel sense in painting. If it were possible to find it out, there would be no meaning to create. The best works were painted without thinking about painting at all. One does not think how to paint, one thinks what he paints. A good painting has to be like a swamp which pulls you in. You go deeper and find no ground, like in a quagmire.