Jurgis Gimberis: "Autobiography"
I was born in the Low Šančiai. I published my works in periodical papers; for the first time - in Kauno Tiesa in 1979. Later – in Nemunas, later - in many other publications.
I have translated as much as eight detective novels of Aleksandra Marinina, two books of Ilf and Petrov, two books of M.Bulgakov, one – by L.Ulickaja, two – by V.Pelevin, one – I.Babel.
If I were a pensioner (that is if the muse of Social Care guaranteed so much money for my life and experiences as the sum allocated for the life of one US prisoner), I would do nothing else but translate Andrej Platonov very slowly and carefully – for eternal enjoyment. No, I would not go fishing. Unless it would be fishing in the bath...
I am the winner of One Litas prize of 1999. By the way, I also became the winner of Augustinas Gricius prize in 1989. Now the prize awarded to satirists five times has been forgotten by some reason as if it has never existed; moreover, it was renamed by the First Book prize, or similar. Strange things take place in the world of literature and prizes. In the world in general...
P.S. According to information of Kamanė, J.Gimberis is born on November 5, 1938, even though he did not admit it due to some reason. He also did not explain that the Low Šančiai suburb is in Kaunas. By the way, the prose writer was granted the prize of Kaunas Art Creators' Association for the selection of humorous stories "Love and Other Fundamental Sciences" in 2005.
Dar pastebėjau (I Still Noticed): humoresques. – Vilnius: Vaga, 1985.
Tai nereiškia (It Does not Mean): humoresques. – Vilnius: Vaga, 1988.
Pusplikių šeimos laikų kronika (Chronicles of Near-nude Family Times): humoresques. – Vilnius, 1991.
Barakų bliuzas (Blues of Camps): melodrama. – Kaunas: Nemunas, 1993.
Iki pusės (To Waist): melodramas...: tales about old times...: from newspapers... – Kaunas: Eridanas, 1997.
Kaliausė (Scarecrow). – Vilnius: Šluota, 1997.
Misės, mano boba ir kiti reikalai (Misses, my Wife and Other Things). – Kaunas: Eridanas, 1999.
Mišiugino dienoraštis (Mišiuginas’ Diary). – Kaunas: Santara, 1999.
Dar galima gyvent (It is Still Possible to Live): humoresques. – Kaunas: Santara, 2000.
Meilė bei kiti fundamentalieji mokslai (Love and Other Fundamental Sciences): humoresques . – Vilnius: Lithuanian Writers‘ Union Publishers, 2005.
Urbi et liurbi: Felikso Žertvos savaitės prakalbos (Urbi et Liurbi: Weak Speeches of Feliksas Žertva): humoresques. – Kaunas: Jotema, 2006.
Papashos testamentas (Papasha's Testament): humorous stories. – Kaunas : Jotema, 2008.
Jūs turite teisę tylėti... (You have the Right to be Silent): selection of humour and satire. – Vilnius: Versus Aureus, 2009.
...yra papildomų sąlygų... (...Additional Conditions are Present): readings. – Kaunas: Jotema, 2011.
Žinios trumpai (News in Short): maxims. – Kaunas : Kauko Laiptai, 2013.
Brauno judesiai (Brown’s Moves): memoires and other tales. – Kaunas: Jotema, 2013.
1989 – Augustinas Gricius award.
1999 – One Litas prize for Kudirka-like citizenship in books “Mišiuginas’s diary” and “Misses, my Wife and Other Things”.
2005 – Prize of Kaunas Artists’ Creators’ Association.
2011 – The most memorable artist of Kaunas.
2013 – Kaunas City Municipality Santaka sign of honour of 2nd degree.
2014 – Petras Cvirka prize for the book “Brown’s Moves”.