Gintaras Patackas was born in Kaunas, on July 18, 1951. In 1973 he graduated from Kaunas Polytechnic Institute. Till 1979 he worked as an engineer, correspondent, observed life and always wrote poems. Patackas is also known as a translator, writer of original texts for various occasions. His poems are sung by guitar players. He is a famous Bohemian but looks at the Bohemian revel from aside now. The breaking book was “Double-faced Jan“. Patackas presently lives in Kaunas. He has been a member of the Lithuanian Writers’ Union since 1987.
Atleisk už audrą (Forgive me for the Storm): poems. Vilnius, Vaga, 1975.
Išvarymas iš rojaus (Expel from Paradise): poems. Vilnius, Vaga, 1981.
Duobės danguje (Holes in Heaven): poems. Vilnius, Vaga, 1983.
Pergamento kriauklė (Parchment Shell): poems. Vilnius, Vaga, 1985.
Amuletai (Amulets): poems. Vilnius, Vaga, 1988.
Kapitono Homero vaikai (Children of Captain Homer): poems. Vilnius, Vaga, 1990.
Lampėdžių karjero paslaptis/ Gulago univermagas (Secret of Lampėdžiai Quarry/ Shopping Centre of Gulago): stories and poems. 1900
Kurtizanija (Courtesania): poems. Kaunas, Vaidotas Oškinis Publishers, 1995.
Pusiau sugriuvęs statinys (Half-ruined Building): poems, 1997
Jauni patrakėliai petrarkos (Young Madcaps of Petrarka): poems, 1998
Naktis su keturiais lavonais, trileriai ir kurtuazinės novelės (Night with Four Corpses, Thrillers and Courtuasian Stories). Kaunas, Europa, 1995.
Jazmino žiedas vakarą prakalbina (Jasmine Blossom Makes an Evening Speak): selection. Vilnius, Vaga, 1997.
Dviveidis Janas (Double-faced Jan): selection of poems. Vilnius, LWR Publishers. 2002
Didysis širdžių mūšis (Great Battle of Hearts): poems, 2005
Lapė, rožė ir bambukas (Fox, Rose and Bamboo). Kaunas, Nemunas, 2007
1998 – Winner of the Poetry Spring for the book “Jasmine Blossom Makes an Evening Speak“