Mysterious world of Kazimieras Stabrauskas painting 2015-12-08
The exhibition Kazimieras Stabrauskas - the teacher of M. K. Čiurlionis aims to show how K. Stabrauskas is special and meaningful when it comes to M. K. Čiurlionis oeuvre. Without a doubt, these two artists should be treated as individuals, but we can also look for links and similarities in their works. Only, is it really necessary?
Twilight Zone - eternal beauty and mutations 2015-12-01
The exhibition of E. Markūnas Twilight Zone open at Pamėnkalnio Gallery in Vilnius is a subtle navigation between human-created beauty, precision, aesthetics and deviations into the darkness, deplorable props and inner mutations that are also caused by humans. Twilight Zone becomes the place of choosing of which direction we will eventually be taking.
Two of the many events: 10th Kaunas Biennial 2015-11-27
Exhibition Threads: phantasmagoria about distance curated by Nicolas Bourriaud and opened at the Kaunas Central Post Office, because of its quality and relevance, in fact, could have taken place in any European city museum and the historic Kaunas building provided the European version with some local aspects that accreted meanings to the presented works.
Influence of Paris schools on Lithuanian art (Part II) 2015-11-25
Most of the Litvaks who had studied at l’Eécole de Paris were coming from various Vilnius art schools. It was the artists coming from Lithuanian territory who had given the basis for the art critics to call the second wave of l’Ecole de Paris – l’Eécole Juive (Jewish school), which "occupied" the French capital during 1909-1913.
Židrija Janušaitė, "In order to feel you need to stop" 2015-11-06
Probably the main creative essence and purpose of artist Židrija Janušaitė is to show how important it is for a constantly busy contemporary person to stop and meet himself. Perhaps, this aim of the artist is best seen in her long performances of minimalist aesthetics. A conversation with the artist at her studio about creative work that can hardly be put into words is presented.
Influence of Paris schools on Lithuanian art (Part I) 2015-10-29
The famous Lithuanian public figure Pranciškus Ksaveras Mykolas Bogušas (1746–1820) wrote in his "Travel journal" about the art criteria, "The French taste ... is characterized by gentleness, moderation, and elegance and a type of art that is difficult to find elsewhere." The series of articles will review the influence of Paris art schools on Lithuanian artists.
When time takes longer 2015-10-15
Young man Petras Lincevičius, who was nominated for the best young artist at the Art Fair "ArtVilnius'15", looks like, as if he has descended from another century. His thoughts are never in a hurry, words flow slowly and works make the past moments and events contemporary.
Interpretation of Edmundas Saladžius works 2015-10-12
E. Saladžius works, in fact, are the exemplary implementation of a true artistic mission. He observes life and world, notices the human vices as if using an X-ray, transfers them through a modernist consciousness and presents the results with real talent to the same humanity, so that we would stop for a moment in this global rush and think - what could we change?