
According to the minutes of KAUET meeting of 19 11 2008, 2008 12 05

Kaunas Architecture and Urbanism Experts’ Council (KAUET) did not approve of Mega development project and the new administrative and commercial building near the Carmelite Church.

The following projects were offered for consideration of KAUET:

1. A complex of administrative buildings at Islandijos Road 32. Preparer of architectural concept – Chapman Taylor, preparer of technical project – Ramboll Lietuva UAB. Customer – Baltic Shopping Centers AB. Repeated consideration.

2. An administrative and commercial building at Karaliaus Mindaugo Ave. 52. Project offers of the technical project. Designed by Performa UAB. Customer – Ekfita UAB.

The meeting was headed by G.Balčytis.

1. A complex of administrative buildings at Islandijos Road 32. Preparer of architectural concept – Chapman Taylor, preparer of technical project – Ramboll Lietuva UAB. Customer – Baltic Shopping Centers AB. Repeated consideration.

It was advised during the previous meeting concerning the project to specify and optimise the traffic scheme near Mega complex (Islandijos Road 30, 32, 32a, and 36), to present the space, functional and aesthetical concept and model, to elaborate the architectural solution of the office quarter and to make other specifications.

According to the representative of Baltic Shopping Centers AB Algirdas Augustaitis, the global changes have an impact on their plans as well; therefore, the development of the whole complex is not clear now. Therefore, attention was focused on the clear parts. The architect of Chapman Taylor Arminas Waldas presented the elaborated project of Kaunas complex. However, it appeared that the previous experts’ notices were not taken into regard, and the committee voted for repeated consideration of the project when all the material would be submitted.

It was recommended to present the project once again and to take into regard the notices regarding the necessity of the traffic scheme, harmonising the complex with the city view, to present evolvent drawings and silhouette solutions.

2. An administrative and commercial building at Karaliaus Mindaugo Ave. 52. Project offers of the technical project. Designed by Performa UAB. Customer – Ekfita UAB.

According to E.Barzdžiukas, the detailed plan was prepared along with A.Tatariūnienė. The municipality left the possibility to prolong Karo Ligoninės Street and leave Karmelitų Street without transport. The Urbanism Department has issued a document with a permit to pull down the building of Pergalė club.

The project was presented by the architect Valerijus Starkovskis. According to him, the land plot of area 64 a is a combination of two land plots. 2 floors were planned for commerce and 3 for residential function. Now as the particular task has appeared, the first floor is allocated for trade and the remaining four floors for office premises.

The volume was designed on the basis of contrast principle. Monumental expression, few details, the volume is used as the background for the church and square. 2-storeyed underground parking lots with 370 places are planned. The axes will be directed to the river and the Carmelites Square.

After evaluating the offer and expressing their opinions, the experts’ committee decided to disapprove of the presented project offers. The project should be presented one more time taking into regard experts’ notices: to decrease the height of the complex, getting close to the church, to divide the integral volume into volumes of different height and to make the silhouette more varied. The building lacks the visual connection with the surroundings, the internal space should be opened more. Dark grey colour of facades is unacceptable; therefore, the solution should be improved.

Prepared by Jūratė Merkevičienė

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