Neringa Butnoriūtė "I am frightened by the reticence of literary scholars" 2015-04-29
Neringa Butnoriūtė is an active player in the literary field. Her name is usually mentioned when talking about the latest Lithuanian book reviews; she is doing a PhD in literature and is a frequent participant in cultural events. This time we are talking about young writers and a festival dedicated to them "Literary Slips", which was partially organized by the interlocutor.
"100 and two" - "in between" being and nothingness 2015-04-28
On the last page of the book "100 and two" it is stated that the author perceives the published works as a new creative phase. It is a starting point of something else, the line, separating past and future, being and nothingness. It is interesting to observe the emergence of new, to be, to participate in the transformations, because poetry, after all, is a language of being, so let's try to listen and hear what do K. Navakas poems are saying.
Rasa Aškinytė "There are books and there are products" 2015-04-07
Rasa Aškinytė is already well known to the readers interested in Lithuanian literature. Writer has published three novels, and this year, her book "The man who did not need anything" won the Book of the Year award. But this is only an official pretext for this interview.
Conversation with Giedrė Kazlauskaitė about life and other things 2015-03-27
I was in my late teens when I first learned about Giedrė Kazlauskaitė - one friend of mine had fallen in love with her because of her texts in "Šiaurės Atėnai" and dreamed of talking to her if he ever saw her live (he never did). Subsequently, our paths diverged and G. Kazlauskaitė published two poetry books, received awards and became the editor of "Šiaurės Atėnai." While I exceeded my friend for dozens of times already, this is the first time I am talking so much and so publicly with G. Kazlauskaitė.
Non-standard layout of “Room of Jewish Things” 2014-11-27
The book “Room of Jewish Things” (Žydiškų daiktų kambarys) of Audronė Urbonaitė presented in the Book Fair this year received much attention. It is the third novel of the writer. The first was written on the basis of personal experiences while the writer fought with cancer, the second novel was also based on personal experience of having a yellow-skinned granddaughter. This time the story was borrowed from a friend, but feelings belong to the author herself.
About “seeing through” Darius and Girėnas 2014-10-20
Comic strips of Miglė Anušauskaitė and Gerda Jord about heroes of the nation Darius and Girėnas were published in the culture press periodically last year and soon their book “Ten Litas” will be issued. On the occasion that the Lithuanian graphical biography will be published finally, the artists speak with the author of the article about the popular field of literature in the world, which is stepping to Lithuania diffidently as well as the deconstruction of national heroes.
Traveller Vaiva Rykštaitė: “I don’t like the travel literature genre” 2014-09-29
Characters that appeared in texts of Jurga Ivanauskaitė almost thirty years ago were compared with exotic birds unseen in literature before. Vaiva Rykštaitė could also be one of these birds. The author who travels across the world has already had two novels published. Her travel book “Alone in India” appeared in hands of the author of the article and did not let her go for two days.
Unsuitable for biography – essays of Stasys Stacevičius “Milda will Heed” 2014-09-04
What the pig of the 14th century is doing on the hill of the 21st century, why skulls of people were collected in the Soviet Army, how the crucifixion should be survived and many more interesting stories are told by the poet Stasys Stacevičius (1959–2012) in his first and last collection of essays "Milda supaisys" (“Milda will Heed”) published in 2013.
About postmodern phenomena of classics 2014-07-09
The title of the most creative book was granted to “Lives of Saints” (“Šventųjų gyvenimai“) of Romualdas Granauskas in 2013 for the most solid characters, who surprised by contemporary man by the principle of special harmony. The success of the writer encouraged the group of literature critics Žirklionis to analyse the later works of R.Granauskas and the changes that may be noticed in them.
Poetess Jurgita Jasponytė: “I am glad there are no creative writing schools in Lithuania” 2014-06-25
During the meeting with the young poetess Jurgita Jasponytė, the author of the article speaks about the poetess's childhood experiences that influenced poetry, motifs of folklore, old cultures, ethnography traced in texts of Jurgita. They speak about the poetry book which will be published this year in the series of the First Book.