Mysterious “KGB Children” 0

Urtė Navalinskaitė, 2013-05-17

In brief: The author told recently how she felt while reading entertaining literature, that it was valuable and needed. Now she rejoices for the new novel of Justinas Žilinskas “KGB Children”.

Justinas Žilinskas calls himself a story-teller not in vain. The author tries himself in various genres and is different every time.

J. Žilinskas has already told some fantastic stories that have been included into almanacs of Lithuanian fantasy. His first novel “Genome 3000” (2004) is a science fiction story about the movement starting in the near future against the improvement of the human-being by technologies. In 2006 the author published his second novel of magic fantasy for entire family “Gugis – Sprite of Woods and Friend of People”.

The detective novel (or perhaps thriller) “KGB Children” was published at the beginning of this year. J. Žilinskas intended to tell to younger readers what Lithuania was like seventeen years ago and made a good work in the book. The entire novel is full of the dark spirit of early years of Lithuania’s Independence. The details about cafes, hotels of those times, fragments of daily life tell about things that are not remembered or have never been seen by younger readers and that arise sentiments to elder readers.

Catching, hiding, cars on fire, KGB agents who intend to retain their secrets and ambitious youths Rasa and Vilnius who are digging out shadows of the past of their parents – the book is full of tension and is easy to read.

The target audience of the novel is everybody: young people who do not remember those times and people who were young seventeen years ago, people who love conspiracy theories, rapid action and beautiful language.

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