A.Rubinovas – non-winner of the festival "Monocle"
In brief: Buying potatoes or an automobile in the market, one almost always hopes to be cheated. However, potatoes may sometimes be tasty and the automobile – rather good. However, cheating in art is more frequent. Advertisement texts of future artworks have no limits – all of them are the best, the most masterful, talented. Publishing announcements of premieres or festivals taking place in Lithuania, we hush down the unlimited boasting just to be safe.
Meanwhile, announcements about events abroad in which our artists participate may not always be verified. Information is usually presented by artists themselves and usually the only thing left is to trust them. Still, Kaunas Chamber Theatre breached the limit of TRUST striving for its glory. From now on it will be necessary to prove the news about the triumph of our artists abroad by official documents.
After every trip abroad, Kaunas Chamber Theatre states that it is much more valued abroad than it is in Lithuania. At the beginning of March, the mono-performance “Performance after Performance” directed by the head of the theatre Stanislovas Rubinovas in which his son Aleksandras Rubinovas is acting was participating at the traditional one-actor performances festival "Monocle" in Saint Petersburg. Like all mass media sources of Lithuania, “Kamanė“ announced the information signed by A.Rubinovas himself that the performer became one of the four winners of the festival, an equal winner.
After the suspicion arose regarding four equal winners, information was checked at the official website of the festival. It became clear that the winners of the festival were three: Polish, Bulgarian and Russian actors. Kaunas Chamber Theatre and A.Rubinovas who constantly participates in the festival “Baltijskij Dom“ of Saint Petersburg and the festival “Monocle“ was awarded only with the jury prize this year. Therefore, it is not a nomination of a winner but a nomination of favour to old acquaintances and attractive participants, otherwise called a special prize, a consolation prize.
Further information from the press releases disseminated by the theatre and the actor are presented in the article. The following is stated in the official information of Kaunas Chamber Theatre of March 13 (extract): “The sixth international festival of mono-performances “Monocle” was organised in Saint Petersburg on March 2 – 8. (…) The performance “Performance after Performance” was met with enthusiasm. At the decision of the jury it became the winner of the festival along with the Polish performance of Kamil Mackowiak “Nizinski“, Bulgarian performance of Velk Kynev “Teacher“ and Russian performance of Irina Jevdokimova “Nobody“.”
The following is stated in the announcement of the actorAleksandras Rubinovas of March 13: “The theatrical principle of here and now was perfectly implemented in my performance in Saint Petersburg. The performance “Performance after Performance” has never sounded that well and adequate. (…) A rather big collection of awards was replenished by one more prize – the performance of A.Rubinovas “Performance after Performance“ became the winner of the festival “Monocle” along with the Polish performance of Kamil Mackowiak “Nizinski“, Bulgarian performance of Velk Kynev “Teacher“ and Russian performance of Irina Jevdokimova “Nobody“.”
However, the different information is presented on the official website of “Baltijskyj Dom“ about the results of the festival “Monocle” of 2007:
Результаты Монокля 2007
Победителями Шестого Международного театрального фестиваля «Монокль» стали:
Первая премия:
Театр им. Стефана Ярача (Лодзь Польша)
Вторая премия:
Национальный театр им. Ивана Вазова (София, Болгария)
Третья премия:
«Никто» по повести Н.Н.Берберовой «Аккомпаниаторша»
Театр музыки и поэзии под руководством Елены Камбуровой (Москва, Россия)
Специальный приз жюри:
Александрас РУБИНОВАС
«Спектакль после спектакля»
Каунасский Камерный театр (Каунас,Литва)
Дипломами были отмечены:
«Запев Мадонны с Пинеги»
(Нижний Новгород, Россия)
«Яр.Мо. Contrа et pro»
(Санкт-Петербург, Россия)
«Прогулки без Пушкина»
Театр-студия «Пушкинская школа»
(Санкт-Петербург, Россия)