Traveller Vaiva Rykštaitė: “I don’t like the travel literature genre” 3

Jurga Tumasonytė, 2014-09-29
Writer Vaiva Rykštaitė. Photo from personal archive

In brief: Characters that appeared in texts of Jurga Ivanauskaitė almost thirty years ago were compared with exotic birds unseen in literature before. Vaiva Rykštaitė could also be one of these birds. The author who travels across the world has already had two novels published. Her travel book “Alone in India” appeared in hands of the author of the article and did not let her go for two days. The writer was interviewed at the time she packed luggage for a new trip again.

Speaking about her book “Alone in India”, the writer tells that she has described everything as it was. She enjoyed the process of writing and she did not have to fantasize. She believes that publicist’ style suited the book the most.

When asked about her relation with Lithuanian literature, V.Rykštaitė refers to such favourite writers as J. Ivanauskaitė, S. Parulskis, K. Sabaliauskaitė, A. Urbonaitė. She also states that she has not still discovered the new Lithuanian literature fully. In the interview the writer also tells about books and films that have made impact on her in her life. The writer and traveller reveals what she is going to do in the nearest future.

At the time Vaiva Rykštaitė answered the interview, she was on her way to Los Angeles and finished it in Hawaii. This is where the writer is planning to stay for a couple of years and to study the culture and habits of people.

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