2014-03-24 Alchemy LVI. University as culture
What if the university is a field of thoughts competing with each other? All scientists are rivals and each of them strives to embed their thinking and prove that his/her thoughts are correct. Don’t get surprised that the broadcast “Alchemy. University as culture” is first of all the collection of thoughts. Collection of statements. Collection of attitudes without illustrations. It is an intellectual broadcast that enables to look at our intellectuals and notice processes in the forge of future leaders.
Connections between separate conversations are very weak – they may only be sensed. The datum-level is one: the frozen flow of the river. Collective traumatic experience which undermined our memory and data for our process of thinking. Later the static frozen view is replaced by the dynamic (and very beautiful!) movement of floes. Intellect turns ideas into material. Do you feel how everything is changing? “If you want to know what will happen in the state after 30-40 years, communicate with present students”.
Contemporary lecturers are in the broadcast now. The sociologist, professor Zygmuntas Baumanas; biologist and physicist, professor Rimantas Vaišnys; political scientist Andžėj Pukšto; poet, VMU doctor of honour Viktoras Keturakis; historian Zigmantas Kiaupa; Secretary General of UN, VMU doctor of honour Ban Ki-moon.