Reflections on the unrelated issues 5
In brief: Eternity is good if it fits the moment and vice versa. That is what our recklessly westernized society lacks. Pausing, taking a breath and reflecting. Meanwhile now, we have a modular principle of operation, when we apply clichéd solutions for unique situations.
You know, I was always fascinated by various conspiracy theories or empty questioning "what if?" For example, if Lithuanian state, back in the day, would not have refused Romuva and switched to Christianity? Would we have completely vanished as a culture or maybe we would have gone the Japanese way, where a long cultural isolation would have been replaced by cultural-economic explosion, precisely determined by the richness of the mythological world that Christianity - which is based on the linear time model - and its sub products that laid the foundation for what we now call a Western Civilization, is so lacking.
And what would have happened if we had stayed pagan? When speaking about a very interesting Japanese choreographer Kenzo Kusuda's dance performance, Pneu Pneu Pneu (Eng. Breathing), which was performed during the Aura festival I stressed that artist, contemplating the corners of the eternal life, especially stresses the importance of a moment in the context of eternity.
Someone once said that Christianity in the 14th century is an equivalent of the internet in the 21st century. I do not agree. Christianity rather matched the flow of information and the ideology underneath it, but everything else have already existed. And even if there was a building in the so-called Valančius square and all the learned urban development and heritage protection screams that the house should be rebuilt, even then I say that this square, now holds more of the Kaunas city than it will ever be able to fit throughout the whole history of it if we will "insert the tooth."
I wish you all beautiful winter holidays and to remember while you are running in a hurry that you run precisely so you could stop.