A return to the beginning of artistic explorations 3
In brief: Recently, Kaunas Artists' House hosted the exhibition Fragments. Journey into myself by the photographer of the middle generation Gintaras Jaronis. On the occasion of this exhibition we provide a more detailed presentation of the artist's recent works and his oeuvre.
I was wondering when did the artist took interest in photography. Ginataras Jaronis says that it happened when he was a school student. "Photography was attractive not only as a means of artistic expression. I was also fascinated by the technological processes related to it. All the technological works - from film development to printing, drying and framing - I carried out by myself, in my personal lab, because back in the day the network of services was very poorly developed and the number of services was limited."
Recently, photographer has started working with the infrared technique. "The photography "ritual", when using the camera that is sensitive to the infrared spectrum is different than usual. For the photographs to gain an aesthetic and artistic value, one needs a bright enough, shaping lighting. This in itself limits the possibilities for shooting in nature; photographing becomes possible mainly during the light time of the year (summer). It is like returning to the beginning, to the times when photography was not a very simple thing to do and photo materials were not sensitive enough to light. This aspect is very interesting and attractive in the "flood" of the contemporary digital photo images that are created so easily,” explained Ginataras Jaronis.
Author's photographs seem to have a close relationship to abstract and graphic arts. I wanted to know how these arts connected in the photographer's oeuvre. Ginataras Jaronis says, "As I have already mentioned, such aspects of artistic expression as the language of symbols, laconic form, expressing the idea with minimal means started to interest me in the early stage of my career. Maybe a decisive influence was made by the reproductions of the best modern artworks seen at the time (mostly in periodicals), among them the works of Lithuanian photographers. In the early days of my creative explorations, the manifestations of slightly gloomy existential philosophy common to the Western Europe could be found in almost all the branches of the avant-garde art."