Kaunas Artists' House Lithuanian art news website
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Kristina Budrytė-Genevičė collected factual data about the artist Elena Jakutytė from archives, spoke with friends of the artist and established relations with her relatives in Australia. The road of the artist’s life was restored on the basis of the collected facts. The story presented by Genevičė is consistent, chronological, there is almost no space for wide interpretations in it. 1
Kristina Budrytė-Genevičė collected factual data about the artist Elena Jakutytė from archives, spoke with friends of the artist and established relations with her relatives in Australia. The road of the artist’s life was restored on the basis of the collected facts. The story presented by Genevičė is consistent, chronological, there is almost no space for wide interpretations in it.
The phrase of the competition organisers “All are accepted” makes it understandable to any visitor of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2013” organised at Kaunas Picture Gallery that there are no criteria – one theme or idea, concept, performance technique or any other frames that artists should lean upon. The only condition for the participants is that the artwork should be created in 2013. 1
The phrase of the competition organisers “All are accepted” makes it understandable to any visitor of the exhibition “The Best Artwork of the Year 2013” organised at Kaunas Picture Gallery that there are no criteria – one theme or idea, concept, performance technique or any other frames that artists should lean upon. The only condition for the participants is that the artwork should be created in 2013.