Kaunas Artists' House Lithuanian art news website
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The retrospective exhibition “Steps” of Alvydas Lukys is open at Kaunas Photography Gallery. Milda Kiaušaitė conversed with the art photographer, lecturer, professor of Vilnius Academy of Arts during a coffee break while preparing for the exhibition. 3
The retrospective exhibition “Steps” of Alvydas Lukys is open at Kaunas Photography Gallery. Milda Kiaušaitė conversed with the art photographer, lecturer, professor of Vilnius Academy of Arts during a coffee break while preparing for the exhibition.
The majority of spectators who watched the new film of U.Seidl at the Canes Festival this year were annoyed and the theme significant to the director remained misunderstood. In Lithuania the film was accepted favourably – many questions were given during the meeting with the actress. Still, when the themes are so subtle and sensitive, more questions appear. Therefore, the author of the article met the actress Tiesel in Vilnius old town one sunny morning to speak about the film, themes analysed in it and special experiences gained during the filming.