Kaunas Artists' House Lithuanian art news website
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The idea of nationality is related with a rebellion in the drama. As for the performance “Cathedral”, the theme of an artist’s rebellion, no matter that it was unsuccessful, seems to be more perspective than that of the nation. The first rebels mentioned in the performance are artists. Their revolt against the suppression of Lithuania sounds like a rebellion against their patrons, fight for freedom of creation, despite the fact that they do not like to acknowledge their captivity. 1
The idea of nationality is related with a rebellion in the drama. As for the performance “Cathedral”, the theme of an artist’s rebellion, no matter that it was unsuccessful, seems to be more perspective than that of the nation. The first rebels mentioned in the performance are artists. Their revolt against the suppression of Lithuania sounds like a rebellion against their patrons, fight for freedom of creation, despite the fact that they do not like to acknowledge their captivity.
The director Rolandas Atkočiūnas mixed all kinds of realism and tried to add some magic in his eccentric tragicomedy “Jerusalem”. The cooperation with the set designer Martins Vilkarsis, the director’s conception, all 613 wishes and 7 desires turned into the salad in the performance. It seems sometimes that the viewer needs a voodoo and “miraculous” mushrooms to tune into the performance and to be lead to the general conception. 8
The director Rolandas Atkočiūnas mixed all kinds of realism and tried to add some magic in his eccentric tragicomedy “Jerusalem”. The cooperation with the set designer Martins Vilkarsis, the director’s conception, all 613 wishes and 7 desires turned into the salad in the performance. It seems sometimes that the viewer needs a voodoo and “miraculous” mushrooms to tune into the performance and to be lead to the general conception.